Lifestyle and Business Coaching Blog by The Powerful Man

Are you bending the world over and f***ing it? - The Powerful Man

Written by Admin | Mar 14, 2020 2:54:00 AM

Episode #170

Are you serving your higher purpose?

Are you really going after it or are you just playing a role in somebody else’s story?

Are you living your life to the fullest…

or are you just living to survive every day?

If the answer is NO, then think about this…

“The way in which you penetrate the world is the same way in which you’ll penetrate your woman or your business.”

Most men that we talk to have given a lot of their passion and their hobbies to invest more time in their business or their work.

But in the process of that, 10, 15 or 20 years, life becomes all about work and less about their children and their woman.

Don’t fall into this trap.

If you want to have a successful marriage and a successful business, then it’s crucial you remember your passion and do the things you love.

Doing what you love most gives you energy and the wisdom on how you manage your business and your marriage.

Be selfish sometimes.

Give your self a break. Do what you’re passionate about and the rest will work itself out.


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