Lifestyle and Business Coaching Blog by The Powerful Man

He felt like he was wearing a mask - The Powerful Man

Written by Admin | Dec 23, 2019 8:24:15 AM

He felt like he was wearing a mask.

Umar was filled with fear, anxiety, stress and worry.

Feeling like he had no purpose he’d just bury his head in business, he even missed the birth of his 3 children due to work.

In his own words, Umar said

“I felt like I pushed my children away, I could see my negative traits coming through in them”

“I was pushing my family away”

“I felt like it was the end for me”

And that’s when he decided he had to make a change.

After working through The Alpha Reset, things are very different.

If you have to resist any questions in this area, please contact us!

I’ll let Umar fill you in on the details here!