Lifestyle and Business Coaching Blog by The Powerful Man

Lifting the Fog On Arguments With Your Wife - The Powerful Man

Written by Admin | Nov 5, 2019 1:02:09 AM

Episode #114

Have you ever had the experience of your wife complaining about you but you have no idea where she’s coming from?

You might even think, “she has nothing to complain about!”.

You might not recognize that you’ve been consumed by your work lately, and she keeps complaining because what she really wants is your time and your attention.

As a result, she has had to step into the alpha role and take control of the relationship to get the attention that she needs. She now gets your attention by demanding things from you…and because you are unaware of what she really needs, you will end up feeling rejected for not being able to give it to her.

One thing we talk about in this episode is how to go through the different levels of love languages, how to understand your partner’s love language and how your partner wants to receive it and vice versa.

The first step is having an honest conversation with each other for clarity and avoid the feeling of being rejected.

You then get to step it up and regularly ask her how the relationship is going for her….and LISTEN. Listen to what’s working for her and what isn’t. Pay attention to what she feels need to be improved and give her the space to speak without judgment and without rejection.

In this episode you will learn:

  • The importance of having an honest conversation ASAP
  • How to clear up things without blaming the other person
  • How to properly communicate your love language
  • How to recognize where your partner is coming from and take responsibility.


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