Lifestyle and Business Coaching Blog by The Powerful Man

Regaining Your Wife's Trust - The Powerful Man

Written by Admin | Nov 2, 2019 1:58:27 AM

Episode #113

Do you feel like your wife lost her trust in you?

This is a common problem for most men.

They end up feeling confused because in their mind they are a good husband. Not cheating. Doing what they’re told “good husbands” do. Going to work and providing for the family.

How can a wife lose her trust for her husband when he is doing all of these things?

Well, it is really simple.

Ask yourself this…how many times did you say you’re going to be there on your special occasion, or that you’re going to pick up the kids from school, or that you’re coming home for dinner and then for whatever reason…you didn’t do it?

Did a few (or many) times come to mind?

These may seem like little things to you that don’t matter in the scheme of life, but these pile up over time and end up chipping away at the trust she has with you.

And the sad thing is, this one thing has killed a ton of relationships.

If this feels familiar to you and you want to prevent this from happening, be the man of your word. Talk to your wife about it. Stop promising and start acting.

What you will learn in this episode:

  1. How to get your wife’s trust back
  2. The importance of honoring your word
  3. The importance of resetting and moving forward


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