Episode #116
In this episode, Tim & Doug ask Are you paying the price for past mistakes? Past mistakes or negatives in our lives have a tendency to stay within us in some way and unless you address them and forgive yourself for them they can sabotage your future progress. So many of us go through life without realizing that we are making the same mistakes repeatedly.
Do you ever feel like you are on a never-ending treadmill of constantly living on groundhog day?
Do you tell yourself and other people that everything is great when, truthfully it isn’t?
The reason may be that you are sabotaging your own progression due to past mistakes
Tim shares some very personal stories of mistakes and difficult periods in his life, and how he came to terms with and overcame them so that he could become the person he wanted to be. Central to this was Tim getting a coach, which allowed him to open up to his past mistakes, understand them and move on so that they no longer hold him back.
Use this episode to better understand how negative past experiences can hold and how you to can come clean and become the powerful man you want to be.
What you will discover in this episode:
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