Episode #118
“We’re all on the way out so we may as well enjoy it!”
The quote that sums up the premise of this weeks’ episode as Tim & Doug discuss the importance of sticking to your word. Have you ever found you miss appointments, cancel meetings or don’t follow through on things you say you will do with your family or in your business? This doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, just that you are committing to too many things that you are not passionate about.
In this episode, you will discover how to better understand your inner workings and the lies you may be telling yourself so that you can spend more time doing the things that you are really passionate about and not burn yourself out with other things.
Tim & Doug share techniques you can put into action immediately to filter out things you are saying yes to but not following through on because you don’t have the passion for it. Discover how you can live a much more fulfilling work and personal life by saying “no”.
What you will discover in this episode:
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