Lifestyle and Business Coaching Blog by The Powerful Man

Take off The Mask [REVISIT] - The Powerful Man

Written by Admin | Aug 15, 2019 2:58:41 AM

Episode #79

This weeks’ episode brings another very familiar story and common thread for entrepreneurs and business owners.

Tim & Doug discuss a true story about a business owner they know, this man is extremely successful but admits he has no idea how he has got the success and feels like he just got lucky.

Does this sound like you?

Naturally, this leads to extreme insecurity and fear, he doesn’t want his staff or people around him to see this, so he continues to wear the mask of being an all confident, all-knowing leader.

Often leaders or business owners can wear a mask that shows them off to be the type of person they think they SHOULD be, however behind closed doors and inside their own heads, they are somebody completely different.

They are somebody with huge doubts and insecurities that they don’t want others to see as in case it’s perceived as a weakness.

While all of us don’t put on a mask to such a big extent, the likelihood is that all of us put on some form of a mask, we all have insecurities and things we don’t want our colleagues or family/friends to know about.

Accepting and facing these insecurities head-on will ensure that they don’t show themselves in a way that damages your life and business.

The process of taking the mask off is simple, but also daunting and difficult to bring yourself to do. Taking off the mask means being completely honest with yourself first, asking yourself those important questions that will define your life; Who are you really? What do you want from life? Are you happy?

What you will discover in this episode:

  • How to recognize when you are hiding or putting up a facade in life.
  • How your mask can hold you back.
  • The top 3 things you can do immediately in the process of removing the mask.
  • How taking off the mask and embracing vulnerability can give you freedom.
  • Simple actionable techniques to start this process.


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