Lifestyle and Business Coaching Blog by The Powerful Man

The Absentee Father - The Powerful Man

Written by Admin | Jul 16, 2019 1:12:55 AM

Episode #66

Providing for your family doesn’t only mean providing financially but also emotionally. We have this unconscious commitment that if we work longer hours, THEN we will be able to provide well for our family’s future.

We keep on grinding, spending too much time in the office for us to be able to give our family the comforts of life but we don’t realize that we are starting to lose connection with them. Our absence creates a gap with our loved ones and we start to feel empty and discontent.

Being a father is not measured by how much money we make but how much time we spend with our children. Step up, be the man, be the leader in the house, support their dreams, share your knowledge and being a good example to them.

Many of us unconsciously believe that without the grind, we become less of a man. Yet, the truth is we don’t really need to become a millionaire for us to be called a good father or a good provider. Our time and presence are what our family actually needs.

Upleveling your mindset will enable you to find a new sense of happiness and contentment. Reconnect to your family and you will see how colorful life becomes. Be a father that you want your children to become in the future.

In this episode we will learn:

  • The importance of time for the family
  • The importance of having a work-play balance
  • How to provide emotionally
  • How to work smarter not harder
  • Knowing and recognizing what your family really needs


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