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Strip Away the Bullshit and Embrace Modern Manhood



Does this feel familiar?

I was struggling with my business.
My marriage was falling apart.
I could feel myself on the edge…



How can I save my marriage without talking about it?

Your relationship has you feeling more like roommates than partners. You can’t even remember the last time you had sex. She’s holding back, and so are you, but you’re not sure why.

Most of the men who join our program are having problems with their wives, to the point of separation. After going through our program and doing the work on themselves, the majority of them have been able to reignite the connection with their wife and experience more closeness, more intimacy, and more sex than they ever have before.


I'm just....lost.

You have that entrepreneurial spirit. Your business is a success. You’ve met your goals, you’re working hard, and it shows. But you’re just not happy and you’re not sure where to go next.

You’ve been sold a story that hustling hard and thriving in your business will bring you fulfillment. You’re not alone…we’ve all felt this same way. Which is why we created The Activation Method, to strip away the lies you’ve been told and get to the truth of what it means to be a successful, happy, fulfilled, Powerful Man.


I don't know if I can save this.

You’re yelling a lot, at your wife, at your kids, at the people you love. Even your clients and staff can tell something’s not right. Little things set you off, and sometimes, you don’t even realize you’re yelling until you’re done. 

Modern society has sold you a bill of goods that just doesn’t work. The pressures on businessmen today are greater than ever before. This is why we wipe the slate clean, allowing The Powerful Man within to emerge. The man that you, your wife, and your children deserve. The man everyone wants to see.

Growth is painful. Change is painful.

But nothing is as painful as staying stuck in a place you don’t belong.


Hear From Some Of The Wives

"It's been a chain reaction for the entire family"

These genuine testimonials shed light on the profound changes that change their lives and marriages for the better. Some of these couples were on the brink of divorce….and look at them now!

“I thank God every night for TPM”

CJ Gross

"I never followed through"

When it came to business, relationships, really everything, CJ was an idea man. But he always had trouble following through, going only far enough to preserve a facade. Watch as he talks about how The Powerful Man gave him the tools and helped him to peel back the layers, finding the man within.

“I felt like I had to prove who I was in order to get what I deserved.”

Derek + His Wife

"I hadn't seen this light in you in awhile"

From feeling lost and disconnected to finding a newfound light and connection, Derek & his wife’s journey is a testament to the incredible power of growth and understanding. Watch as they reveal the transformative impact on their relationship and their lives. Don’t just take our word for it, hear it from those who lived it.

“She is the biggest advocate of this program”

Are you ready to change your life?

Get clear. Get unstuck.

Develop a passionate marriage.

Be a superhero to your kids.

And be proud of the man you see in the mirror.

Sign up now to start the rest of your life.